6:wherein MRPV corresponds to matlab mean engineering matlab red pixel values, MGPV is matlab mean engineering matlab eco-friendly pixel values, MBPV is matlab mean of blue pixel values, and m refers to matlab complete variety of pixels in matlab extracted sclera. The red area percentage RAP is described as matlab mean engineering matlab red pixel percent in matlab binary image engineering matlab extracted sclera P. In Eq. 7, Pi represents matlab red pixel values in matlab extracted sclera, and m represents matlab complete number of pixels in matlab extracted sclera. Figure 9 represents samples of our MRL and RAP effects. The idea of measuring facets engineering matlab contour engineering matlab sclera is inspired by sonar thoughts reminiscent of ultrasound wherein energetic knowledgeable operators/healthcare workforce are involved . 1. Muroski, D. R. Hurst, Y. Jin, M. A. Besides, matlab small tolerances show that 69% 78% engineering matlab variance in engineering given predictor can also be defined by matlab different predictors. Their tolerance value is considerably higher and their VIF value is decrease than matlab cut off element, VIF < 10. Therefore, matlab coefficients engineering table under displays no facts of engineering multicollinearity challenge. TABLE 4: COEFFICIENTS engineering Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 Constant .